wdk is the organisation of the German manufacturers of tyres, manufacturers of rubber and rubber-like plastics (e.g. TPE) all of which are industrial enterprises. Members are also manufacturers of reclaimed materials or compound rubbers. Associate Members of wdk are suppliers, raw material suppliers, plant and machinery manufacturers. A register of members is available on the web: www.wdk.de.

Being a non-profit organization and a registered association, wdk supports its member companies in maintaining and developing their technical leadership role in the world. It is the economic and political representation of general rubber goods producers (GRG), premium tyre companies, automotive suppliers, compounders, distributors and raw material suppliers – many of these SMEs.

All of these driven by innovation, steered by competence. Monitoring of legislation and administration, advocacy towards suppliers and clients, representation towards the media and the public, promotion of innovation, competitivity and dialogue, counseling and services are among its main activities.

wdk is active partner in a national and international rubber and elastomer network. Among these are the Deutsche Kautschuk-Gesellschaft e.V. DKG (German Rubber Society), the Arbeitgeberverband der Deutschen Kautschukindustrie e.V.  ADK (Employers Federation), the Deutsches Institut für Kautschuktechnologie e.V. DIK on a national scale as well as rubber associations worldwide.


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